› added 5 years ago


TIL that the so-called "Spanish flu" was only known as such because WWI wartime censors made sure to keep reporting of illness in their own countries minimal so as to not appear weak. However, the news was free to report on Spain, which was neutral.

Q4xp TIL that CBS aired a Muppets special shortly after Jim Henson’s Death. The Muppets performed most of the special without knowledge of whom or what it was for and it was not until reading letters from children that they found out he had passed away. He left us 23 years ago today.
QN4JX TIL about the old Chinese custom of 'footbinding' (also known as lotus feet), and that it was seen as a mark of feminine beauty and a status symbol, raising marriage prospects. Feet were broken and bound together, ensuing in many deformities, infections, and disabilities.
oRYMY TIL Diamond Jim Brady had over 2 million dollars in jewelry, equivalent to over $73 million today
pQo4 TIL in the Winter War, the Soviets, while bombing the Finns, claimed they were air-dropping food to the “starving people of Helinski”. The Finnish people dubbed the Soviet bombs “Molotov bread baskets”, and in return called their firebombs Molotov cocktails, as “a drink to go with the food.”
ANgYx TIL of the practice of Muerto Parado. After you're dead they embalm, dress and pose you doing the thing you enjoyed when you were alive. This gentlemen was posed playing video games surrounded by snacks, which he loved doing in life.