› added 6 years ago


TIL Hugh Jackman took a pay cut to ensure "Logan" would be rated R. Since 'R-rated' films typically limit the overall audience that can attend, Jackman's reduced salary brought the budget down to an acceptable place to warrant an R rating.

NLGM TIL that until recently, most perfumes contained a preservative called “ambergris,” which is hardened sperm whale vomit. Terrible smelling chunks of ambergris can be found lying on beaches, and are worth tens of thousands of dollars per pound.
5YYQr TIL from 1929 to 1934 when the Hays Code began to be enforced, Hollywood made movies that were full of violence, sex, strong female characters, and even homosexuality. One study showed that of the 440 films produced in 1932–33, 352 had "some sex slant"
EWOp TIL Congress tried to pass a “American Hippo bill” in 1910 to authorize the importation and release of hippopotamus into Louisiana to help solve the American meat crisis, described as “lake cow bacon”
M7JA TIL The assassination of Julius Caesar had the exact opposite of its intended effect. He was killed by Senators upset with him declaring himself dictator and eroding the Republic. But he was so popular his death caused rioting, Civil War, and the permanent installation of an Emperor.
GdVJ TIL that the waiting list for season tickets for the Green Bay Packers is over 100,000 names, and about 30 years. In Green Bay and other Wisconsin cities, it is a common practice to put a baby’s name on on the waiting list as soon as they are born.