› added 4 years ago


TIL that my Great Uncle (Grandpa's Brother), Aldo Vera Serafin, was a Cuban Exile who was shot and killed by "unkown assailants" in the '70s. He was the head of the "Technical Investigations Department," which is a fancy name for "Cuban FBI." He betrayed Castro by working with the CIA and fled Cuba.

mxYrx TIL that several months before Russell Crowe won the Oscar for Gladiator, the FBI warned him that the al-Qaeda were planning to kidnap him as part of a “cultural destabilization plot”. For nearly two years, the FBI guarded Crowe in public and refused to give him any details about the threat.
nWrwb TIL a study in 2008 found that loud music in bars increases alcohol consumption because it makes people talk less and drink more
b6grp TIL The Ottoman Empire never recognized the partition of Poland in the 18th century. Even after the partition, the Ottoman chef de protocol would continue to ostentatiously ask “Where is the deputy from Lehistan (Poland)?” to the annoyance of the diplomats from the partitioning states.
wBa8 TIL Saturday morning cartoons vanished in the 2000’s largely due to the “Children’s TV Act” requiring stations to have 3 hours of educational/informational (E/I) programming per week. To avoid the stations affiliates scheduling the E/I during their weekday shows, Saturday morning’s took the hit.
6E14W TIL that J. K. Rowling was the world's first billionaire author. After giving away much of her earnings to charity, she lost her billionaire status.