› added 4 years ago


TIL: The airport set in the movie "The Terminal" was built from scratch in a warehouse. It's all fake, as no airport would let them have use of their airports for the amount of time it took for film production. It was so well done that all of the companies shown in the movie endorsed it.

E1kJp TIL the Comoro blue vanga (Cyanolanius madagascarinus comorensis) is considered a subspecies of the blue vanga by ornithologists. It is found only on the Comoros Islands and is recognized by it exceptionally vivid blue bill, head and back and snow-white throat and under parts. (see pic in comments)
0Z1M TIL Carter G. Woodson created Negro History Week with hope it eventually be eliminated when black history became fundamental to American history. Instead it eventually became Black History Month, and critics include Morgan Freeman, who said “Black history is American history.”
wL0OP TIL world’s first 1 GB hard drive was announced by IBM in 1980. Its price was of $40, 000!
9wlDp TIL that William Daniels, famous for playing Mr. Feeney on "Boy Meets World," has been married to to actress and fellow Emmy Award winner Bonnie Bartlett since June 30, 1951; at more than 71 years, it is the longest active Hollywood marriage as of today.
5WBp TIL that preventing an abort of the Apollo 11 mission has been attributed to the work of Margaret Hamilton, the lead flight software designer for Project Apollo. She was 31 when the lunar module landed on the moon, running her code, and is credited for coining the term “software engineering.”