› added 5 years ago


TIL that some restaurants used to have 2 menus: a version with the prices listed, and a 'ladies menu', which only listed the dishes (no prices).

Wkkjo TIL about "world's humblest president" José Mujica, former president of Uruguay, who drove a $1800 VW Beetle to work, donated most of his presidential salary to charities for the poor, and opted to lived on his farm instead of the presidential palace.
7r6EP TIL that L. Frank Baum, the author of the famous children's book, "the Wizard of Oz," called for the genocide of American Indians, writing in 1890 and 1891 that "in order to protect our civilization . . . wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the face of the earth"
VBGE4 TIL scientists have discovered a species of extremophilic nematode in Mono Lake in California called Auanema sp. It lives in a lake with 500x the arsenic concentration we can handle, 3 times as salty as the ocean, and has an alkaline pH of 10. It has 3 sexes, and carries its young like marsupial.
yVWjw TIL about Project Plowshare, a US program for the development of techniques to use nuclear explosives for peaceful construction purposes. Proposed uses included widening the Panama Canal, excavate a roadcut in the Mojave Desert for the construction of I-40, and create an artificial harbor in Alaska
xA5b TIL the engineer who designed the Japanese Kamikaze dive-bombing planes of WWII felt bad about his role in the war, so at its end, he decided to use his skills for peace by designing the body of the Shinkansen (Bullet Train), which has, to this day, operated with zero accident-caused fatalities.