› added 4 years ago


TIL the earliest evidence of wearing socks and sandals is documented at the archaeological site between Dishforth and Leeming in North Yorkshire, England. The discovery suggests that old Romans wore socks with sandals at least 2,000 years ago.

jNgVX TIL that in 1947, the "Doomsday Clock" was invented, it essentially says how long we have until it is doomsday (midnight). In 1991 it was 17 minutes to midnight, and this year it is 100 seconds to midnight.
LkQG9 TIL Rolex replaced (for free) all watches seized by the germans from shot down allied pilots in WW2.
6EEaJ Yes, it’s true that most jetliners are certified for automatic landings, called “autolands” in pilot-speak. But in practice they are rare. Fewer than 1 percent of landings are performed automatically, and the fine print of setting up and managing one of these landings is something I could talk about all day. If it were as easy as pressing a button, I wouldn’t need to practice them twice a year in the simulator or periodically review those tabbed, highlighted pages in my manuals. In a lot of respects, automatic landings are more work-intensive than those performed by hand. The technology is there if you need it for that foggy arrival in Buenos Aires with the visibility sitting at zero, but it’s anything but simple.
dlRE TIL Hunter S Thompson refused to go on Conan O'Brien show until he finally agreed on one condition. Conan had to meet him on a remote farm to drink hard liquor and shoot guns.
14lO TIL “Gibby” from the television show iCarly now produces rap music under the name “NoxiK”