› added 2 years ago


TIL of Leona Woods, the only woman physicist on the team which built the world's first nuclear reactor as part of the Manhattan Project. She became a mother during the Project but hid her pregnancy as not to miss work. Afterwards as a professor, she authored >200 papers in physics and astrophysics.

1avMV TIL As governor of New York, Teddy Roosevelt boxed with sparring partners several times each week, a practice he regularly continued as President until being hit so hard in the face he became blind in his left eye (a fact not made public until many years later).
dlG7 TIL Garry Hoy threw himself through a glass wall on the 24th story of the Toronto-Dominion Centre and fell to his death after the window frame gave way. He was attempting to prove to a group of prospective articling students that the glass was unbreakable.
R5R5a TIL; Actress Liv' Tyler (Who played the elf Arwen in LOTRs from age 20 to 27) - Did not know Steven Tyler was her father until she was 10, she even met him at age 8, and had a "crush" on him, before she actually confronted her mother and learned he was her father.
b9w7Z TIL during the Depression, Frederick Mellinger, was fired from a job for proposing they sell black women's underwear instead of the basic white. He then joined the Army and found that men wanted to see pin-up girls in more risque lingerie. This caused him to make his own exotic line of lingerie.
1aNRD [TIL] that flushing the toilet with the lid down reduces airborne particles and bacteria by up to 50%.