› added 5 years ago


TIL of John the Posthumous; a French king who ruled for the 5 days he lived in 1316. He was the youngest person to become King of France, the only one to be king from birth, and the only one to hold the title for his entire life. He has the shortest reign of any French king.

NvwQ TIL that Weird Al’s parents both died on the same day of carbon monoxide poisoning. Only hours later, he performed a concert and started by saying “since my music had helped many of my fans through tough times, maybe it would work for me as well.”
OGYOX TIL during World War II thousands of 2nd generation Japanese-Americans enlisted in the Army and were sent to the Military Intelligence Service Language School to study Japanese. They learned specific military terms, and trained to become interpreters, interrogators, and intelligence officers.
8apXV TIL The U.S was going to detonate 3 nuclear warheads to to drill for oil, which could have detonated 300 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. It was luckily stopped by the community of Sublette County due to the high risks to the wellbeing of the community and the environment.
OGLka TIL that the Pink Fairy Armadillo is the smallest species of armadillo, and is preyed on by domestic cats and dogs, as well as wild boars.
GAZ7 TIL: that when the author of Charlotte’s Web (E.B. White) did the recording for the audio book, it took him 17 takes to record the passage about her death because each time he would cry or his voice would crack.