› added 7 months ago


TIL France helped America gain independence from Britain. During the American Revolution, Ben Franklin persuaded France to give troops, money, and supplies to support America. It was risky and expensive, but the French were convinced that unity with Americans would lead to Britain’s defeat in NA.

Dree TIL that before The Ring (2002)’s release, the tape from the movie was showed during late night programming, with no reference to the movie. People watching TV late at night might’ve stumbled across the video, with no idea what it was.
1aVed TIL that Willie, a parrot, alerted its owner, Megan Howard, when the toddler she was babysitting began to choke. Megan was in the bathroom, the parrot began screaming "mama, baby" while flapping its wings as the child turned blue. Megan rushed over and performed the Heimlich, saving the girls life.
Z8g9D TIL that Morocco was the first independent nation to publicly recognize the United States
Y7Zyd TIL In Finland, cab drivers are required by law to pay royalty fees for songs played on their taxi radio while working & conveying paying passengers. The reason being, cabbies use music for commerce while making a profit. A fixed sum is to be paid to the Finnish Composers' Copyright Society annually
Bg1yr TIL The Jetsons, seminal cartoon from Hanna-Barbera, lasted only one season, 1962-1963, and 24 episodes, broadcasted in primetime sunday. It was only after it was shown in reruns in saturday mornings that it became a hit, and new episodes were made in 1985-87.