› added 1 year ago


TIL of the Manila Massacre during WWII when Japanese troops conducted mop-up operations in Manila, killing over 54,000 Filipinos, including children. Pregnant women had their bellies ripped open and fleeing civilians were executed.

m1lGP TIL that when ascending to the throne, royals may pick their regnal name from any of their Christian or middle names. Charles Philip Arthur George could also be King Philip, King Arthur, or King George if he wanted to.
DjdY TIL a Romanian-born Israeli and American scientist, engineer, professor, teacher, and a Holocaust survivor, Liviu Librescu, held the door of his classroom during the Virginia Tech shootings sacrificing his life while the gunman continuously shot through the door saving 22 of his 23 students.
WbEd TIL: The Guatemalan Special forces, the Kaibiles, are infamous for forcing recruits to raise a puppy, bonding with it and then killing and eating it. Recruits are also shot and forced to perform field surgery on themselves, and they also have to drink water out of recently fired artillery shells.
rRZ5e TIL that Hooters once had their own airline, Hooters Air, which eventually fell through costing the company an estimated $30 million.
R7Z69 TIL that the Tyrannosaurus Rex didn’t roar but rather they would make a low, almost grumble noise and use the vibrations from that noise to communicate, this is because they were actually stealthy hunters and would wait in the wooded areas and stalk their prey. Use headphones to listen to the video