› added 2 years ago


TIL that Catherine Schell - the actress who played Maya in "Space: 1999" (1975-77) - is a great-niece of King Louis XIV of France, Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, 7th Prime-Minister of France, and Franz I & II & III, 50th Holy Roman Emperor and 8th Grand-Duke of Tuscany and former Duke of Lorraine.

WkQxN TIL Medieval art depicted characters dying or being killed with unusually calm expressions because it was a common belief that that such a response to death was Christlike, as Jesus did not panic on the cross.
RvN4 TIL George Lucas pitched an ending to ROTJ where Luke helps Vader take off his helmet and then puts it on himself, saying “Now I am Vader. Now I will go and kill the [Rebel] fleet and I will rule the universe”. His co-writer, Lawrence Kasdan, liked the idea, but Lucas decided not to go that dark.
XEnG6 TIL Rhode Island’s Cranston School District is sending parents who owe lunch money $20 or more and who haven’t paid off the balance within 60 days to collection agency
N7Kg6 TIL Robert Frost couldn't read the poem he wrote for John F. Kennedy's inauguration due to the glare on the snow being too strong. So he instead recited one he knew from memory.
J1MV8 TIL Roman concrete structures such as the Pantheon and aqueducts are ultra durable because of lime clasts. While many modern concrete structures crumble after a few decades, Roman concrete has self-healing functionality from lime clasts which allow their structures to survive millennia.