› added 2 years ago


TIL: to clear land for logging in Canada, forestry workers, often students and junior rangers, spent weeks at a time as human markers holding red, helium-filled balloons on fishing lines while low-flying planes sprayed Agent Orange on the brush and the boys below. "We were saturated in chemicals"

BEXK TIL that the McCollough effect is a type of optical illusion with after effects lasting up to 3 months following 15 minutes of exposure. Also, if you only view it with one eye you’ll still get the effect in the other eye, indicating that the effect takes place in the brain and not the eyes.
W8ZX TIL the President of the United States serves as the honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America during his term in office.
gMWkA TIL that 12,000 bears are farmed for their bile in Asia which is used in traditional Chinese medicine and generates $2bn per year. Farming always involves surgery on the bears to insert a catheter or to cut a hole through the abdomen by which the bile leaks. Bear bile has no medicinal effect.
ZOED TIL that in South Africa,2009, an employee of an IT company complained that data would get transferred faster by carrier pigeon than on ASDL. Winston the pigeon armed with 4gb memory stick took two hours to carry the data 60 miles - in the same time the ADSL had sent 4% of the data.
JYb7Q TIL there was an official lord of the rings fan club (paid membership) prior to the movies and the entire charter of names is listed in each of the LotR film’s credits.