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TIL That, in 1991, the Bryan Adams song "Everything I Do" (which had reached #1 worldwide) was declared to be not sufficiently Canadian by the regulatory body CRTC denying it more frequent airplay in Canada. This despite Adams being made a member of the Order of Canada in 1990.

7rpaL TIL In 1985 a drug smuggler jettisoned 40 kilograms (76 pounds) of cocaine from his airplane over Georgia's Chattahoochee National Forest. A black bear (later dubbed 'Pablo EskoBear') found and ate ALL of the cocaine and died of an inconceivably massive overdose.
6E4DW TIL the street Fighter movie had: spent 22% of the budget casting Jean-Claude Van Damme, a script written in one night, Kylie Minogue shoehorned in as Cammy by the Australian Actors' Guild, M. Bison with terminal cancer; which caused rushed fight training sometimes just hours before a scene was shot
QJnVe TIL of a little worm that helps repair and defend stony coral: Eunice norvegica!
ADdQx TIL about Jára "The Master" Cimrman, a noted playwright, educator, inventor, and philosopher. Cimrman was voted "The Greatest Czech" in a national contest until he was disqualified for being fictional. Created on a radio show in 1966 to criticize the Communist government, he's become a folk hero.
mA1Y TIL George Crum invented the potato chips after a customer complaint that his french fries were too thick and soft. In order to teach him a lesson, he cut the potatoes as thin as possible, deep fried them to a crisp and salted them. The customers loved them and the potato chips were invented.