› added 8 months ago


TIL San Antonio's Alamo Plaza is undergoing extensive renovations. The Ralston Family Collections Center is the first new building on the grounds of the Alamo since the 1950s and the new Visitor Center and Museum opens in 2027

0wBDv TIL Molly Brown survived the Titanic and was rescued by the Carpathia. Aboard the Carpathia, a battered Brown did what she could to help the other survivors, including raising money from the wealthy to help poor passengers. Her acts of heroism earned her the nickname "the Unsinkable Mrs. Brown."
AD0go TIL that a surgeon studying cryogenics claims that in only 3 years from now he will be able to successfully transfer a cryogenically frozen brain into a donor body, thus bringing the original person back to life in a new body.
9Y9A7 TIL Babylonians were using a rudimentary form of calculus to calculate Jupiter’s displacement each day along the ecliptic, the path that the sun appears to trace through the stars. Historians had thought such techniques did not emerge until more than 1400 years later, in 14th century Europe.
ADxrl TIL that the 29th May (also this Friday) is officially “Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day”: before refrigerators were invented in the 1920s, families in Europe and the USA would place a piece of cloth on their larder for good luck once a year.
ZQRo TIL actor Kevin James was the number one spot on his high school wrestling team, until he had a season ending back injury. His friend took over his place and became WWE star Mick Foley.