› added 2 years ago


TIL that since 2004 at least 18 have people died from contracting rabies after receiving organs from infected donors. Transplanted organs are not typically screened for rabies virus, which can incubate for up to a year or more before symptoms manifest, after which time it is nearly 100% fatal.

Z8Qaa TIL that newborn blue whales gain about 200 pounds each day during the first year of their lives.
JrK4 TIL In Los Angeles you can serve a jail sentence in a much nicer “pay-to-serve” jails for $100. These allow day release for employment, food delivery, and better visiting conditions. Those that can’t pay as much clean the jail.
gMK0X TIL that due to error in communication, the state of Missouri assumed that a man Michael Anderson was in prison, serving his 13-year sentence for armed robbery. They only realised that they had forgotten to take him to jail when they were preparing for him to be released.
wLGbo TIL In 1963, Heineken created a beer bottle that could also function as a brick to build houses in impoverished countries after he took a trip to the island of Curacao in the Caribbean Sea and discovered that he could barely walk 15 feet on the beach without stepping on a littered Heineken bottle.
WkjJL TIL The FBI held a conference with all the top video game devs of the 80's and made them compete to get the "Winners Don't Use Drugs" slogan programmed first. The winner's products would be showcased at an FBI anti-drug press conference.