› added 7 months ago


TIL learned that the German Railways (DB) is still working with Windows 3.11 (German source). Now they are looking for a system admin with Win 3.11 and MS-DOS experience but apparently there are struggling to find any candidates. No shit Sherlock :)

4bAb TIL all steel produced after 1945 is contaminated with background radiation because of the use of nuclear weapons. Such steel is unusable for many scientific and medical applications and steel made before 1945, often taken from sunken battleships, must be used instead.
Y7gpx TIL in the 1880s, the Harvard Observatory director was frustrated with his staff, and would say “My Scottish maid could do better!” So, he hired his Scottish maid. Williamina Fleming ran a team for decades, classified tens of thousands of stars, & discovered white dwarfs and the Horsehead Nebula
Wx5X TIL that for one day in 1940 a section of a hospital in Ottawa, Canada became international territory so a Dutch Princess could be born a full Dutch citizen (a requirement to be a Dutch Princess). Every year the Netherlands sends Canada a gift of tulips to show their gratitude.
1aK94 TIL about Calcio Storico, a game played only in Florence. It's a mix of soccer, rugby and wrestling played in historical costume. Only three games are played per year, tactics such as head-butting, punching, elbowing, and choking are permitted and there's no such thing as a game without injuries.
apYZ [TIL] Willie Nelson didn’t serve jail for the 7 ounces of pot found by Texas FEDs because when the city jail weighed it, it was 50% lighter and a misdemeanor