› added 4 months ago


TIL about the Ben Franklin Effect: The psychological phenomenon where doing someone a favor makes you like them more. It's named after Benjamin Franklin, who once asked a rival legislator to lend him a rare book, leading to a friendship.

wLk81 TIL the term "Napoleon Dynamite Problem" is used to describe the phenomenon where "quirky" films such as Napoleon Dynamite, Lost in Translation and I Heart Huckabees prove difficult for researchers to create algorithms able to predict whether or not a viewer will like a certain film.
YdEW TIL “The Dark Side of the Moon” by Pink Floyd holds the record for the longest time an Album has been in the Billboard 200 Charts with a total of 923 weeks, which is almost 18 years.
rZQx TIL that right after the French finished building the Suez Canal, a British Commander snuck his ship to the head of the opening fleet at night so his would be the first one through. The Admiralty gave him an official reprimand, an unofficial vote of thanks, and a promotion.
oB4dY TIL there are only around 120 anonymous Michelin restaurant inspectors in the world. They spend 3 out of every 4 weeks on the road, and must vacate a region for 10 years if they think a restaurant suspects their identity.
oBoQR TIL about Leo, an early socio-interactive robot built in 2002. Leo was programmed with psychological theory and spatial scaffolding. It is able to communicate by perceiving expression, gesture, speech, and thus responds appropriately with equal expression, gesture and speech.