› added 10 years ago


TIL that if you die homeless or with no money in New York City, you are buried by prisoners on Hart Island in a mass grave, up to 1000 per grave for children and 50 for adults, with the exception of Special Baby number 1, the first baby to die of AIDS.

w4n8 TIL F1 chief Bernie Ecclestone was arraigned by a German court after a large share acquisition by F1’s holding company. He was permitted, legally, to pay $100m to have the case dropped. His charge? Bribery.
b9NWN TIL when the United States Marines occupied Haiti for 19 years, one of the first actions was to take control of Haiti's economy and finances and rewrite its Constitution to give foreigners land-owning rights.
kJeDd TIL Scotland has 421 words for snow. This is because they have words to describe every type of snow, such as steels (to start raining or snowing), feefle (to swirl), and flinkdrinkin (a light snow).
1aLXD TIL the proverb, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings," derives from the traditionally buxom Valkyrie Brünnhilde from Wagner's Götterdämmerung opera. Her farewell song before the end of the world lasts almost twenty minutes and leads to the finale of the whole Ring Cycle of operas by Wagner.
xQQo TIL a Texas man walked in on a farmhand molesting his 5-year-old. He flew into a rage and beat the man to death. Realizing what he had done, the dad immediately called the cops and even tried to take the farmhand to the hospital himself. Ultimately, the local sheriff decided not to press charges.