› added 12 years ago


TIL that in 2011, two Domino’s Pizza Store Managers were charged with arson after burning down a nearby Papa John’s in Southern Florida

dDaAQ TIL Kepler predicted that Venus' diameter is almost a quarter of the Sun's diameter, so Mercury should have a tenth of the Sun's diameter. Pierre Gassendi saw the true size of Mercury in 1631 during its transit across the Sun, and was surprised by how small it was as it looked like a sunspot
PYeeL TIL that the rumor Rod Stewart had to have his stomach pumped after "ingesting" too much semen, was spread by a disgruntled employee after being fired by Stewart. The rumor followed Stewart for decades and he finally dispelled it in his 2012 autobiography.
lplK TIL: Women are the majority of human traffickers in almost a third of the 155 nations the U.N. surveyed. They accounted for more than 60% of the human trafficking convictions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
6EODJ TIL that happy-go-lucky parody musician Weird Al Yankovic once recorded a diss track after his ex-girlfriend broke up with him. The song One More Minute describes all the horrible things he'd rather do than stay with her, and in the song's music video he tears up a picture of her on camera.
NX57E TIL Co-Op city, a housing area collectively owned by its tenants, objected to the construction of a tall, bright LED sign facing the city. This was strongly opposed by the residents. Two years later, a windmill was erected near the sign, a month later it collapsed, and took the sign down with it.