› added 6 years ago


TIL children can regrow amputated fingertips. In 2016, when a 7-year-old girl's fingertip was torn off, surgeons stuck the tip back on to protect the wound but told the parents that it would likely die. Eight days later it had died, and in its place had grown a perfectly functional new one.

pGPQ Today I learned that Gavin Free of Youtube’s TheSlowMoGuys was the Slow Motion Cinematographer for Hot Fuzz, the Red vs. Blue Series, and Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows
x6aEk TIL The AT&SF Railroad operated a freight only airline division starting in 1946, pioneering refrigerated compartments, operated from West Coast to the Midwest. They were shut down by the CAB in 1947, citing a rule not allowing railroads to operate aircraft. Names the Santa Fe Skyway.
r89d TIL in the 90s the CIA tried to discredit the US Ambassador to Guatemala after they bugged her room and heard her talking lovingly to a woman named Murphy, and accused her of having a lesbian affair with the woman to Washington. There was no affair she was talking to her poodle named Murphy.
xV0Ok TIL In October 2015, United Airlines made a man with Cerebral Palsy crawl off one of its flights. The flight attendants just watched as he struggled.
kOoQe TIL that a woman refused to board a lifeboat when the Titanic was sinking as she refused to be parted from her dog. Several days later, passengers on the SS Bremen passing by the wreckage in the water, saw the body of a woman tightly holding a large shaggy dog in her arms.