› added 4 years ago


TIL The Union of Mladorossi was a political group of Russian émigré monarchists who advocated a hybrid of Russian monarchy and the Soviet system. Despite being anti-communist, they believed that the Soviet government was preserving the Russian state and defending its national interests.

e89D TIL James O. Richardson pleaded with FDR over his poor decision to centralize the Naval fleet at Pearl Harbor, warned of the risks, was fired in Februrary of 1941, only to be proven right on December 7th when the Japanese attacked and sunk it.
GYOKN TIL DeForest Kelley joked that one of his biggest fears was that "He's dead, Jim", would be on his tombstone. When he passed away from stomach cancer in 1999, Newsweek led his obituary by saying "We're not even going to try to resist. He's dead, Jim".
DQ1LV TIL I learned about "Bombturbation", the cratering of the soil surface and mixing of the soil by explosive munitions, usually during warfare or related activities. Some places like Verdun in France (during WW1), were completely and almost irreversibly changed by this
a8OGA TIL when Coney Island's Steeplechase amusement park burned down in 1907 the park's owner placed a sign the next day that read "On this site will be built a bigger, better, Steeplechase Park. Admission to the burning ruins — Ten cents"
4kOWJ TIL Pablo Escobar illegally imported four hippos to Colombia. After they escaped these 'cocaine hippos' reproduced rapidly, becoming the largest invasive animal species in the world as they threaten local wildlife