› added 4 years ago


TIL that a greek messenger Pheidippides reported the victory from the battle of Marathon to Athens. That's how 'Marathon race' got it's name.

pY89A TIL in 2009 researchers discovered a bottled message in Auschwitz. The message contained the name & number of seven inmates between 18-20 years old, and the hometowns they were taken from. At the discovery two of the inmates were alive, three had passed away, the fate of the last two is unknown
gyv4 TIL Saudi Arabia promotes practice of marriage between close relatives which has produced high level of several genetic disorder including thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, spinal muscular atrophy, deafness and muteness.
gMWa9 TIL that in 1997, 14 year old Nathan Zohner was able to get 43 out of 50 of his classmates to vote to ban "Dihydrogen Monoxide" for his science fair project. His project aimed to prove that the use of true facts can lead the ignorant public to false conclusions. He won first prize.
6Ep9Z TIL Sunspots are used to observe the sun's rotation and have an average lifespan of 2 weeks. A magnification of 40x-50x in a filtered telescope shows a full-disc view of the Sun, and if sunspots are present, they will appear quite small
Rdw4 TIL the average human sperm cell or spermocyte contains about 37.5Mb of genetic data. So when orgasm occurs, roughly 1.5Gb of data is ‘ejaculated’ in about 3 seconds, a data transfer rate 6 orders of magnitude, or a few million times, faster than an average internet connection.