› added 5 years ago


TIL Medieval art depicted characters dying or being killed with unusually calm expressions because it was a common belief that that such a response to death was Christlike, as Jesus did not panic on the cross.

9wxGr TIL: Engineers were given 10 weeks to develop the GBU-28 bunker buster to penetrate Saddam's troops which were buried 30-50 feet deep. In testing the weapon managed to bury itself over 100 feet deep, so deep that the expense in digging it up could not be justified and was deployed immediately after.
wg57 TIL that Shakespeare intentionally made grammatical errors to heighten the attention of his audiences before key points in his plays - the technique is called ‘functional shift’ and the use of it keeps the brain alive!
gMr97 Ever since Morpheus explained how the machines use humans as batteries in The Matrix, we’ve been fascinated by the idea. But can the human body actually generate enough current to do anything useful? We decided to find out, by asking experts how long it would take a human brain to charge an iPhone.
p8dBp TIL In 2003, US Intelligence developed a set of playing cards featuring the most wanted members of Saddam Hussein’s regime. They were disturbed among troops to help them identify targets. As of 2018, all but 6 of the 52 most wanted have been either killed, or captured.
ydMl TIL that M. Night Shyamalan was writing the fourth Indiana Jones movie. He left, claiming it was difficult to get Steven Spielberg and George Lucas to focus.