› added 5 years ago


School buses are yellow because we see yellow faster than any other colour; 1.24 times faster than we see red.

bnpQ TIL the phrase “Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day; teach him how to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime,” did not come from an ancient Chinese proverb, the Torah, the Bible, or any other such place. It was coined by Anne Isabella Ritchie, the daughter of William Makepeace Thackeray in 1885.
47KR TIL that senator Daniel Webster was offered the office of Vice President by both William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor, he did not accept either as he thought the position would lead nowhere, choosing instead to make three failed Presidential campaigns. Both Taylor and Harrison died in office.
J1n9v TIL The Mosuo (a Chinese ethnic group) believe that long ago, dogs had life spans of 60 years and humans had life spans of 13 years, and humans traded their life span with the dogs in exchange for honouring them. During the adulthood initiation rites, adolescents pray before the family dogs
W7dZ4 TIL Howard Hughes was a chronic insomniac who wanted to watch movies on TV when most people were asleep, but when he first arrived in Las Vegas he discovered that it had no all-night TV stations. So he purchased a local station in 1967 and turned it into a 24/7 channel.
e0okn TIL that the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia was drilled for 24 years to a depth of 40,230 ft (7.62 miles). That depth is a mere 0.002% of the way to the middle of the Earth. Whoa.