› added 6 years ago


TIL that “Weird Al” Yankovic would take dates to see The Naked Gun without telling them he was in it. He would also wear the same Hawaiian shirt he wore in the movie.

BrPVd TIL the lead role in "Edward Scissorhands" was originally offered to Tom Cruise, but he wanted a happier ending and declined. And before given to Johnny Depp - Tom Hanks, Gary Oldman, Jim Carrey, John Cusack, William Hurt, Robert Downy Jr., and Michael Jackson had all been offered and/or considered.
91Rm TIL that it is possible that humans could breed with chimpanzees. There was an unsuccessful attempt in Russia during the 1920s, however it was reported that in 1967 a female chimp had been impregnated with human sperm, but the experiment was cut due to its taboo nature.
jNdNa TIL the term "plastic surgery" was coined in 1839, 70 years before plastic was even invented. It comes from the Greek word "plastikē" which means "sculpting" and has nothing to do with plastic.
yQRQM TIL when kerosene disrupted whale oil for lamps, two companies—Lever Brothers and Margarine Unie—discovered how to harden whale oil into margarine. They bought up all the whale oil, met with success and are a $150B corporation today, better known as Unilever!
5Y7ND TIL Kleptothermy (heat-stealing) is observed in some male Canadian red sided garter snakes that mimic females by producing female-like pheromones when they emerge from hibernation so that other males mistakenly attempt to mate with them, thus transferring heat to them.