› added 6 years ago


TIL that a suicide bombers plan to blow herself up on New Year’s Eve was thwarted by a spam “Happy New Year” text message from her cell phone provider which prematurely detonated her explosive in her safe house.

w9gJ TIL no recordings existed of Alexander Graham Bell’s voice until a wax on cardboard disc was discovered in 2013. In it we hear Bell say in a Scottish-tinged accent “Hear my voice… . Alexander. . Graham. . Bell”
prgN TIL that in the United States, broadcast stations west of the Mississippi begin with ‘K’ and stations east begin with 'W’
Br86y TIL about Gustave the Crocodile. Estimated to be over eighteen feet long, and weighing more than a ton, Gustave allegedly killed over 300 people. It has bullet scars from failed attempts on its life. It's so large that it's forced to attack larger prey. It's still on the loose, and is still growing.
grvoL TIL that a scene in "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones" and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" share the same score. It's suspected that the mix-up occurred due to a confusion between John Williams, the composer, and William Ross who was assisting John Williams with the project.
JYLvv TIL that when making the movie Avatar, they would film the motion capture from all angles. After the actors are rendered, the director would walk onto the set with a "virtual camera", which would allow him to film as if he were in the CG environment. TL;DR, they filmed using virtual reality.