› added 3 years ago


TIL MRI data was analyzed from participants consisting of more than 800 incarcerated men who committed homicide and those who committed other crimes, the 200 men who committed homicide showed reduced gray matter in brain regions responsible for behavioral control and social cognition.

nyQB TIL Senator William Spong of Virginia, to prevent his name from being mispronounced as “Sponge”, made his first act as senator introducing a bill called the Long Fong Spong Hong Kong Song Bill, which would protect the songwriters in Hong Kong. This was, of course, cosponsored by Sen. Long and Fong.
e0rOE TIL Mae Jemison was the first African American woman in space. She also was a doctor in the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone, started her own business, writes children’s books, has produced and directed modern dance plays, and was also in a few episodes of Star Trek.
WkKQB TIL in 1955, prominent physicist Qian Xuesen was deported from the United States to China under suspicions of being a communist. He would go on to help China become a nuclear power by 1964, launch a satellite by 1970 and witnessed China's first manned space mission in 2003
9YVkB TIL that the city of Sochi, Russia erected a fish statue costing about 3800 USD in honor of Gambusia affinis (aka mosquito fish) since, after introducing the fish in the early 1900s, there have been no cases of malaria for over 60 years.
D1rWg TIL Ruby Bridges, one of the first black children to integrate New Orleans’ all white public school system, is only 66 years old.