› added 3 years ago


TIL - During 'The Night of Long Knives' Chancellor Hitler ordered a series of 85 murders and over 1,000 arrests by his Secret Police and Gestapo against political enemies in the current government. Hitler used the purge to attack or eliminate critics of his new regime.

Oo6KR TIL an Ohio Judge once sentenced a woman to spend 8 hours in the "stinkiest, smelliest" part of a landfill, as a punishment for animal neglect. The judge added "If you puke, you puke"
b9KAQ TIL of Rebecca Twigg. After winning two Olympic medals in cycling, six world championships, and appearing in Vanity Fair, Sports Illustrated, and numerous commercials, Twigg abruptly dropped out of the sport, had trouble holding down a desk job, and has been living on the street for years.
e0K6k TIL that on Sep 11, 1857, a group of Mormon militiamen persuaded a band of passing emigrants to march down a trail in Mountain Meadows, Utah. Under the pretense of protection and following the orders of their local Church leaders, these militiamen proceeded to execute 120 men, women, and children.
Olkg TIL 100% of the studies (n=74) concluding aspartame to be safe for consumption are funded by the Nutrasweet® industry, while 92%(n=92) of the studies claiming the compound to have the potential for adverse effects (e.g. head aches, brain tumors, seizures and mood disorders) are independently funded.
gMeQb TIL of a brawl involving 50 congressmen on the US House floor in 1858. It ended when someone knocked off a man's wig and the man accidentally put it back on backwards, causing both sides to laugh and stop fighting.