› added 3 years ago


TIL "The Starlight Barking" is the unadapted book sequel to the original "101 Dalmatians". The dogs gain superpowers like telepathy and flight, and the Lord of the Dog Star gathers Pongo and others to escape Earth and prevent nuclear war. Also, Cruella de Vil is now obsessed with metallic plastics.

e5dg TIL During the Winter War Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov said the soviet planes over Finland were not bombers but humanitarian food drops. The Finns responded by naming their improvised explosives Molotov Cocktails, “A drink to go with the food.”
6EZ1J TIL of gastrodiplomacy: government efforts that usually look to expand the number of international restaurants featuring their cuisines to gain more global influence. It’s a large reason why Thai food became so popular in the early 2000s.
nBWB TIL when Margaret Keane sued her ex-husband, Walter Keane for plagiarizing, The judge asked both of them to paint a painting in front of the courtroom. Walter declined, saying he had a sore shoulder, whereas Margerat completed her painting in 53 minutes.
mxNRR TIL in 2005, Facebook approached artist David Choe him with a proposition, Facebook asked Choe to paint his famous murals on the office walls for $60,000 or company stock. Choe choice the stock and it's now estimated worth is $200,000,000
yQd7M TIL about a Social Experiment in the US in the 1990s that moved poor families to richer neighborhoods, findings showed that while it didn't change the income of families that moved, the young children of those families grew up to have incomes 33% larger than children who didn't move