› added 6 years ago


TIL that Key West declared war on the U.S. and then hit a U.S. soldier on the head with stale bread then immediately surrendered

MeWB7 TIL about the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which allowed 4 media conglomerates to buy out all successful indie hip-hop labels, eventually making hip-hop less about art & social change & more about crime, gang life, & sex as those sold more records, according to Prof Tricia Rose of Brown Uni.
EgKxP TIL a 22-year-old high school JV girls basketball coach in Virginia lost her job after she played in a game by posing as a 13-year-old on the team who was out of town. Upon being reported, the team forfeited the game and the players (both JV & varsity) voted to cancel the rest of their seasons.
peb8 TIL:Sophie Scholl was a German woman executed by the Nazis for distributing anti-Nazi pamphlets.Her last words were: “How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to offer themselves up individually for a righteous cause? Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go.”
Lk6b9 TIL: The reason capsaicin (the chemical in peppers) makes you feel like you’re burning is because it lowers the tolerance of the pain receptors in your mouth such that your own body heat is enough to trigger them to tells your brain that things are dangerously hot.
ywNv TIL that it is rare for a homeschooling parent to socialize with children who do not get along easily with their own child, which can limit their child’s social experiences and make it harder for them to learn things like compromise or conflict resolution.