› added 6 years ago


TIL that Osama Bin Laden had a Steam account, Batman Gotham Knight and FF7 among many other such items

R71JQ TIL that in Brazil in 2018, the most popular baby names were all double-barrelled: Enzo Gabriel, João Miguel, and Pedro Henrique for boys; Maria Eduarda, Maria Clara, and Maria Cecilia for girls
ADood TIL In 1937 in The Soviet Union, Stalin's name was mentioned at a Meeting. Everyone Rushed to Ovation and Began Clapping. However, Nobody dared to be the 1st to Stop Clapping. The Ovation Lasted 11 Minutes. The Factory Director became too Tired and stopped. He was Sentenced 10 years in Gulag.
16gX8 TIL of Pope Stephen VI who instigated the Cadaver Synod in which he ordered a trial of deceased Pope Formosus on grounds of acting as Bishop after he was deposed. The corpse was exhumed, propped up upon a throne. A deacon stood behind answering questions as the deceased. Formosus was found guilty.
GANjJ TIL that before the 13th amendment banned slavery, an earlier 13th amendment passed congress and was signed by Buchanan saying the government could not interfere with a state's right to have slavery. The Civil War breaking out saved it from going to the people to be ratified.
ANwLn TIL: There is an official world record for time travel. It is held by cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev, who has spent a total of 803 days in orbit around the Earth. According to Einstein's relativity theory, Sergei has traveled approximately 0.02 seconds forward in time.