› added 5 years ago


TIL in 1992 Toronto Blue Jays baseball player Joe Carter pulled an amazing prank on teammate Derek Bell by pretending to raffle off his car mid-game. He rode onto the field in it and the announcer read off a fake winning ticket

VMLGB TIL every Apple product in every promotional photo is set to 9:41 a.m. This is because when Jobs introduced the original iPhone at MacWorld 2007, he wanted the first image of the phone to show the actual time on the audience's watches. He did a practice run in 41 minutes, so the time was set to 9:41
mxXnE TIL about Joe Delaney, an NFL running back for the Kansas City Chiefs, who died trying to save 3 drowning children in 1983. Just before running in, he told a bystander “I can't swim good, but I've got to save those kids.”
69vLQ TIL: FDR, until his death, investigated the Oak Island Mystery. A collection of lost treasure in Canada that has been rumored for centuries. The money pit was said to contain artifacts from the Knights Templar or Captain Kidd. There has been several investors over the years, including John Wayne.
xVdoD TIL of Theodore Hall, among the youngest Manhattan Project scientists. Finished high school at 14, graduated from Harvard at 18, and recruited for the nuclear program at 19. Fifty years later, near death, he admitted to having been a Soviet informant the entire time.
P1Ke TIL That a 456lb man underwent a clinically supervised fast for 382 days. Took multivitamins, lost 275lbs, crapped every 40-50 days.