› added 5 years ago


TIL while recording “I’m Coming Out,” Diana Ross had no idea “coming out” meant one revealing they’re gay. When Ross found out, she went back to the recording studio in tears, thinking songwriter Nile Rodgers tried to ruin her career.

M7AvW TIL Star-Planetary Systems are named after the name of their Star, our star's name is Sol. That's why our system is called the Solar System. Our nearest neighbouring star is Proxima Centauri and its system is called the Proxima Centauri System. "Solar System" is not a generic/categorical name.
lQw1 TIL that Michael Jordan once refused to endorse a Democrat against a Republican because “Republicans buy sneakers too.”
rRLjw TIL-"Sell or Starve" Act of 1877. After defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, Congress attached, what the Sioux call the "sell or starve" rider, to the Indian Appropriations Act of 1876 that cut off all rations for the Sioux until they terminated hostilities and ceded the Black Hills to the US
R56j TIL that someone had a baby three months premature– the baby was declared stillborn. . The mother, eager to at least see the baby 12 hours after the operation– found the baby alive. . nailed in a coffin, almost frozen inside the morgue.
D1Q6V TIL that one of the main engineers behind NASA's Challenger rocket, which exploded in 1986, revealed that after NASA would not heed his warnings against launching in the cold weather, he told his wife the night before the launch, "It's going to blow up."