› added 10 years ago


TIL only three artists have had a Top 40 hit single in every decade since the 80’s: Madonna, Michael Jackson, and Weird Al Yankovic

kNYg TIL That Conan O'Brien was stalked by a Priest for over 2 years, to the point where he got death threats and his stalker Father David Ajemian flew out to New York and tried to forcefully get onto the taping of Late Night and was arrested.
AxZ4 TIL donning the enemy uniform during a time to war to conduct espionage or sabotage is not illegal as it is considered a “ruse of war” however donning the enemy uniform to conduct combat and assassination is a war crime.
knN5 TIL the Rolex watch company is run by not-for-profit charitable trusts. So after a certain amount of money goes to Rolex employees & the founding Rolex family, what remains is donated to charities. Some of these charities focus on watchmaking & some on HS education. Rolex founder was an orphan.
MMYb TIL during the Korean War when the US Marines required extra mortar ammunition they would radio for “Tootsie Rolls”; however a rookie radio operator requested an air drop of actual Tootsie Rolls which ended up saving the company from near starvation.
b9XKp TIL in 2007, an English woman cremated her missing son, only for him to turn up alive and well a day later. It turned out that the police had mistakenly identified another dead man as her son, and she herself had become convinced after they confirmed his “distinctive scars”, such as a brain injury.