› added 7 years ago


TIL when waiters gave mints w/their patrons’ check, their tips increased by 3%. If waiters personally handed 2mints per patron w/check, their tips increased by 14%. Their tips increased by 21% if they handed the mints directly to the patrons w/check, and then came back with more mints later.

k6d5 TIL That a monastery in the UK makes as fortified wine called Buckfast that has 15% alcohol and as much caffeine as 8 cokes per bottle. Despite being made by monks, it is synonymous with crazed blackouts and under age use.
wxPM TIL that J.K. Rowling won the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize in 1997, 1998, and in 1999 for her first three Harry Potter books. This made her the first person to win the award three times running. She later withdrew the fourth novel from contention to allow other books a fair chance.
N7GKb TIL For centuries Romans preserved a primitive house from early Roman settlements that was the reputed house of Romulus, legendary founder and first King of Rome.
KYYr9 TIL that in 1893 financier J.P. Morgan and the Rothschilds bailed out the U.S. Treasury with 3.5 million ounces of gold, saving it from default. Over 100 years later, Morgan's bank was bailed out by the federal government during the 2008 financial crisis.
rRVOe TIL that ACHOO, or Autosomal-dominant Compulsive Helio-Ophthalmic Outbursts of sneezing) is a genetic condition that causes people to sneeze when they emerge from dark into sunlight or when they turn to face the sun directly.