› added 8 years ago


TIL of Wild West robber Black Bart, who was noted for his polite, chivalrous attitude. In one instance, when robbing a Wells Fargo stagecoach, he refused to take a woman’s purse, opting instead to just take the company’s money.

kOxE4 TIL in 1953 four editors from the Harvard Crimson newspaper stole a birdsh*t covered ibis statue from their rival- the Harvard Lampoon. The editors talked their way into a meeting with the Soviet Ambassador, and gifted the ibis to the USSR as ‘symbol of the universality of the search for truth'
R7XKw TIL that during World War 1, the American Expeditionary Forces tried to make the French treat Black soldiers in accordance with Jim Crow laws ''due to concerns that black soldiers and officers working with the French were being treated with too much “familiarity and indulgence.”
R7E54 TIL of Eleanor Jones, a librarian, who in 1916 created a chaperoned dormitory after noticing groups of vulnerable young women in search of Hollywood stardom were congregating in her library with no place to go. The Hollywood Studio Club eventually housed over 10,000 women - including Marilyn Monroe.
16p0D TIL "Bookazines", usually presented as single-topic, in-depth magazines often marketed to consumers as collectors’ items, saw newsstand revenues grow by millions in 2020. Examples are issues on BTS from Time and a Life special on the Beatles
awZdb TIL Rapper T.I. Saved Scott Stapp (vocalist of Creed) Following Suicide Attempt.