› added 7 years ago


TIL Albert Einstein used the same soap for shaving and washing because of a firm conviction that two kinds of soap needlessly complicate life.

EeKp TIL Louisiana firefighter Chad Duffaut rescued 6 ducklings from a storm drain with the help of his cellphone’s duck call ringtone. This was the fire station’s second duck rescue in a week - previously, firefighters rescued a duck that got stuck in a chimney.
bBOp TIL that there was a Polish King nicknamed “the Strong” because he could break horseshoes with his bare hands and loved fox tossing, a sport where you throw foxes with a sling, one event had 1235 foxes, hares, badgers, and wildcats. He had several mistresses and fathered as many as 382 children.
yG4p TIL that a young Richard Branson had his flight to the Virgin Islands cancelled, so he chartered a private airplane. Not having enough money to do so, he picked up a small blackboard, wrote “Virgin Airlines $29” on it, sold tickets for the rest of the seats, and used that money to pay for the ride.
bxLE TIL that nail biting has been associated with a better functioning immune system because of the exposure to germs on a small scale that your body can build antibodies to.
GA1Wj TIL that there is a continuous line of doctoral advisor-advisee relationships going back from the present to the 1200s to a scholar named Kamāl al-Dīn Ibn Yūnus. He has more than 190,000 known academic "descendants", including Leonardo da Vinci and mathematicians Fourier, Lagrange, and Hilbert.