› added 10 years ago


TIL that Senegalese Peacekeeper, Captain Mbaye Diagne, disobeyed the UN mandate and personally saved “as many as 600” Rwandans during the genocide. He was killed by a mortar shell a month before the genocide ended.

9Md7 TIL the word “palindrome” isn’t “palindrome” spelled backwards, but “palindrome” spelled backwards is “emordnilap”, which is a real word that represents any word that when spelled backwards makes a new word - such as “time” and “emit” - so “emordnilap palindrome” is an emordnilap palindrome
MeDGa TIL: According to scholars, the earliest writing was probably not a direct rendering of speech, but more likely began as a separate and distinct symbolic system of communication, and only later merged with spoken language.
0dJ0N TIL In January 1996, Jimmy Buffett's airplane was shot at by Jamaican police, who believed the craft to be smuggling marijuana. The plane was carrying Buffett, Bono and his family. The Jamaican government acknowledged the mistake and apologized to Buffett, who penned the song "Jamaica Mistaica"
BPOy TIL a Dutch prank group tricked a group of “foodies” into eating McDonald’s nuggets and burgers.
4V8X TIL that James Cameron received the go ahead for the film “Aliens” because of his pitch to the producers for the movie, in which he simply walked into the room, wrote “ALIEN” on a blackboard, wrote an “S” after the word, and then drew 2 vertical lines through the S to make it a dollar sign