› added 10 years ago


TIL that in the early 90’s, a younger Bill Nye appeared on the Seattle sketch show “Almost Live” and corrected the host’s pronunciation of gigawatt. (It’s not jigowatt.) The host replied, “Who do you think you are—Bill Nye the Science Guy?” The nickname stuck.

oRmoL TIL Enigma's 1994 global megahit "Return To Innocence", plagiarized the polyphonic Amis language vocals of Difang and Igay Duana, indigenous people of Taiwan. They sued and Enigma settled for an undisclosed amount, acknowledging their writing and performing, and paying royalties going forward.
rNX0M TIL Ike Barinholtz, Morgan on The Mindy Project, the typecast lovable idiot who also has a brother who plays a similar role in Superstore was in Celebrity Jeopardy and was so good got to the Tournament of Champions. I guess his portrayal was so good I can't see him as anything else.
YprXd TIL in 1924 Joan Whitney Payson, the first female to own a major league sports team without inheriting it (the New York Mets), was wedding-gifted a palatial house on 5th Ave in New York City by her great uncle which also housed 13 servants.
JYPxQ TIL Gary Gygax's wife was convinced he was having an affair so she followed him to a dimly lit basement and burst into the room only to find him and his friends hunched over hand-drawn maps. Gary would go on to invent the role-playing game "Dungeons and Dragons".
kOeRg TIL that MTV refused to play "Billie Jean" and had never played any other video by Jackson or a black artist. Only after CBS Records president threatened to pull every video clip from his company and expose the racial discrimination MTV relented.