› added 9 years ago


TIL that during the Rwanadan Genocide France gave the Hutu-dominated government extensive military, and diplomatic support during Opération Turquoise. The Hutu were the ones committing genocide.

oBKOA TIL: Vasa Syndrome, a term for problems in communication and management that can cause projects to fail, is named after the Vasa, one of the largest and most spectacular warships ever built, which sank in 1628 on its maiden voyage because it was too unstable to withstand a gust of wind.
D1y1V TIL from 1917 to 1918 British Intelligence paid an Italian journalist the modern equivalent of £6,000 (US$ 8,290) per week to keep up the pro-war campaigning. The cash got him a start in politics, and was also allegedly lavished on his many mistresses. The journalist was 34-year-old Benito Mussolini
oRl07 TIL a woman in China reportedly cut off her husband's penis with a scissors while he slept after she found out he had sent racy emails to another woman. In addition, while he was recovering in the hospital from the surgery that reattached it: she reportedly cut it off again & threw it out the window
7757 TIL The Texas Dept. of Transporttion (TxDOT) buys and sows about 30,000 pounds of wildflower seed (including Bluebonnet) each year. The peak wildflower blooming season draws tourists from all across the nation to see the colorful blooms each spring.
9wKjr TIL that when boxer Sonny Liston became world heavyweight, he had prepared a speech for the crowd he was told would be greeting him at the airport. No crowd turned up, and this is put at the point that Liston realised he would never be accepted as champion.