› added 8 years ago


TIL That whilst hiding out at Leatherslade Farm the robbers involved in executing The Great Train Robbery, played Monopoly with the real money they had just stolen; leaving incriminating fingerprints on the board game which led to the arrest and imprisonment of most of the gang

DdMe TIL; Despite strong intolerance of gays, Pakistan leads in world for gay porn searches
9YbXX TIL that German expertise was critical for Saddam Hussein's development of chemical weapons. For a decade Germans built facilities, factories, and sold 1,027 ton of precursors for mustard gas and sarin. 52% of Iraqi CW equipment had German origin and equated to 150 ton mustard gas and 60 ton Tabun.
WkpAB TIL: Farmers in the Austrian Alps are resorting to blowing up the carcasses of dead cows with dynamite rather than paying £200 to have them removed by helicopter (it is a legal requirement that all dead animals are removed from farms).
BgWXy TIL Steven Hill as original leader in TV series Mission: Impossible said upfront he wouldn't work on the Jewish Sabbath and surprised producers by leaving the set to comply. After this and a non-Sabbath refusal he was not asked to return for season 2-and did not have another acting job for 10 years
grvGy TIL Fritz Haber invented a process of ammonia synthesis both to save the world from starvation and to serve the German war machine. He never saw the creation of Zyklon B from his process and its use by the Nazis to kill his relatives in the gas chambers.