› added 7 years ago


TIL that a flight attendant quit his job by telling an unruly passenger “Fuck you”, grabbing beer from the beverage cart, deploying the emergency escape chute and sliding away off into the sunset

Qdj6 TIL that when Queen wanted to release “Bohemian Rhapsody”, various executives told them that a song with a length of 5 minutes and 55 seconds was too long and would never be a hit. They even played it to other musicians who claimed that the song had “no hope” of being played on the radio.
awdA9 TIL, Elliott Rodger's complaints about so-called "rejections" from women as his excuse for a killing rampage in 2014, we're actually a perception he had that manifested after doing what others would call 'self-rejecting' and being 'closed off' from society.
p8o5A Today I learned that Mel Gibson's father was a reactionary Catholic and antisemitic conspiracy theorist who was also the grand champion of Jeopardy! in 1968
QN0y9 TIL Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, one of the most widely known spiritual and philosophical classic books by the Roman emperor, was not intended to be a book but a personal diary, which was carried out from AD 171 to the present day.
JYjX4 TIL a pig named Lulu saved her owner’s life while the owner was having a heart attack. The pig heard the cries for help, forced her way out of the yard and ran into the road and ‘played dead’ to stop the traffic. A driver stopped and the pig led him to the trailer, he heard the woman and called 911.