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TIL about Jens Peter Westergaard, born in 1914 and the first non-emigrant Danish man to reach age 110+.

e0r5g TIL that when recording the song "Giorgio by Moroder", Daft Punk used three different mics to capture Giorgio's monologue, each one from a different decade. The recording switches to the corresponding mic when Giorgio recounts that part of his life.
wL191 TIL of WW2 US Army Captain Moffatt Burriss who, along with two other me in a Jeep, accidentally stumbled upon a 15,000 strong German Panzer Corps outside of Berlin toward the end of the war. He approached the enemy commander alone and tricked him into surrendering his army and being taken captive.
Z86EB TIL Introverts prefer to use a different neurotransmitter called acetylcholine (rather than dopamine as used by extroverts). Like dopamine, acetylcholine is also linked to pleasure; but it powers our abilities inwards, i.e to think deeply, reflect, and focus intensely on one thing for a long time.
WkYV9 TIL Naloxone (Narcon) has became a mainstay of hospital emergency rooms and medical wards. It can be injected or sprayed up the nose, and can stop/reverse a heroin overdose in under two minutes. It’s so vital the World Health Organization placed the drug on its list of essential medications in 1983.
Lkj9V TIL That the Normandy landings were only made possible by a disinformation campaign designed by the allied troops with the aim of misleading the German High Command as to the location of the invasion.