› added 3 weeks ago


TIL: Economist Michael Housman used to data from 30,000 employees to find correlations between their preferred browser and job performance. Employees who used Firefox/Chrome stay 15% longer and were 19% less likely to miss work and had happier customers than employees who used IE or Safari.

oBp5r TIL that because of the Antarctic Treaty, which came into effect on June 23, 1961, military activity in Antarctica is banned. Military personnel and equipment may only be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose (such as delivering supplies) on the continent.
aXmo TIL of PLUTO, the fuel pipeline-under-the-ocean laid by allied forces to support the D-Day invasions.
JbVV TIL that 35 nations are coming together in France to create a fusion reactor that will be 10 times hotter than our Sun(150 million °C) and will be able to output 500 megawatts of fusion power. The current record fusion power output is only 16 MW.
QJgD9 TIL it was Kevin Costner who suggested his co-star Whitney Houston record "I Will Always Love You" for the soundtrack to The Bodyguard starring Costner and Houston. Her efforts were rewarded with 2 Grammy Awards and 4 million copies sold in the United States alone.
LQbM9 TIL of Earp’s Vendetta Ride, a deadly search carried out by Wyatt Earp searching for the cowboys responsible for maiming his brother Virgil and killing his brother Morgan in the Arizona Territory. The search will end with 4 dead and an arrest warrant being issued for Wyatt.