› added 1 month ago


TIL of the Ngatik massacre, where almost the entire male population of an island was murdered for Tortoise shells and left a massive linguistic mark in the region.

5Vx8Q TIL the term leap year probably comes from the fact that a fixed date in the Gregorian calendar normally advances one day of the week from one year to the next, but the day of the week in the 12 months following the leap day will advance two days due to the extra day, thus leaping over one day.
R7Vd1 TIL during the period between 1964 and 1973, US dropped 260 million bombs in Laos, a country smaller than Michigan. The number of bombs dropped there is larger than bombs dropped on Europe during the whole of World War II.
BrGlD TIL that the term “Green Thumb” comes from the fact that algae growing on the outside of earthenware pots will stain a person's thumb (and fingers) if he or she handles enough pots. Hence, a person who is always working with flowerpots has a green thumb
v1rJR TIL in the early 90s John Travolta's career was over until director Quentin Tarantino asked to meet. Quentin made John play board games from his past movies and had him recite famous lines to his past films. At the end of the evening Quentin offered the part of Vincent in Pulp Fiction.
7JMx TIL that Aaron Bruno, lead singer of AWOLNATION, wrote and recorded “Sail” in two hours, in one take. The sound engineer felt it needed a redo because of some distortion. Bruno replied “Who cares? No one’s gonna care about this song anyway.”