› added 1 year ago


TIL that the First Image of an Medieval Chastity Belt was From a Treatise on Siege Warfare and Torture Devices - In Reality, Chastity Belts Likely Never Existed.

6EdBw TIL Starbucks' "Frappucino" is a registered trademark that act as a sub-license out of the Netherlands. When you purchase a beverage, your money goes to pay a trademark fee, which Starbucks books as losses, and the entity in the Netherlands pays little to no tax on the trademark revenues.
oBlOo TIL that from 1931 until 1932, two young Black American women toured Europe together - writing articles on their experiences in each country - for the nation's best selling Black newspaper, 'The Chicago Defender'. Among other events, they observed the rise of the Nazi movement in Germany.
KOpaJ TIL a Cure for Malaria was found by Nobel Prize winner Tu Youyou amongst 1600 year old Taoist manuscripts titled "The emergency perscriptions kept up ones sleave"
v1AQK TIL Due to its high degree of microporosity, as little as 1 gram of activated charcoal has a surface area in excess of 3,000 square meters- which is the same as 3 Olympic swimming pools, 7 basketball courts, or 230 car-parking spaces.
D1o6P TIL the most severe profanities in Italian are related to blasphemy. A very common one is "Porco Dio" (Pig God—i.e. God is a Pig). In one region people say "pota de Cristo" (Christ's cunt). On the Italian version of Big Brother, use of blasphemous profanity was grounds for immediate expulsion.