› added 2 years ago


TIL that the saying "I'll sleep when I'm dead." may have first been said by the hero Gilgamesh. This conversation with the god Shamesh is from the Epic of Gilgamesh, captured on clay tablets 4000 years ago in the world's oldest written story. Jump down to the beginning of Part III

WmBN TIL - When Jeopardy was brought to syndication in 1984, the producers were told to make the answers easier to appeal to a broader audience. The agreed but changed nothing, leading to the frustratingly difficult show we love today.
OomPa TIL that the Japanese, other than nobles or samurai class families, did not have surnames until 1868, when the government required commoners to adopt surnames. Names were chosen based on locations, occupations, or simply were made up, explaining the diversity in Japanese surnames (100,000+ present).
e0w95 TIL Turkey has changed the scientific (Latin) names of three animals species because of references to Kurdistan and Armenia. The names were changed by the Turks because they believed the naming of these species was with "ill intentions against Turkish unity."
5V9x8 TIL the first known internet-based crowdfunding occurred in 1997 when fans of the British rock band Marillion raised $US60,000 via an internet campaign to fund a US tour. Inspired by its success, in 2001 the band asked fans to pre-order an album before it was recorded. Over 12,000 fans did.
wLyNE TIL Roman Fathers Could Sell Their Kids Into Slavery – But Only Three Times