› added 2 years ago


TIL that, back in 1883, the US Supreme Court said that anti-miscegenation laws (laws prohibiting whites and blacks from having sex with one another) do not violate the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause because both whites and blacks are punished equally for engaging in interracial sex.

R7am8 TIL Stanley Kubrick was supposed to give Malcolm McDowell 2.5% of the profit from A Clockwork Orange, but never told McDowell about the arrangement and never gave him the money.
LQ1Dm TIL that after the battle between the USS Constitution and HMS Guerriere, the captain of the Constitution, Isaac Hull, refused the sword of surrender from the captain of the Guerriere, James Richard Dacre, saying he could not accept it from a man who fought so gallantly
16p7d TIL about Otto Esche's attempts to import Bactrian camels to Nevada to transport salt across the Sierra Nevada. Silver miners and their animals hated the camels so much that "Virginia City, Nevada, passed an ordinance outlawing camels on the town streets except between midnight and dawn."
ADPOa TIL magenta is an imaginary color; allcolors have their own wave length except magenta. The only wave lengths between blue and red are yellow green and orange etc if blue cones are slightly stimulated and red cones are slightly stimulated, but green isn’t detecting anything own brains create magenta
OQW1 TIL that in WWII, the US Army asked Americans to loan their dogs to the war effort. The dogs’ handlers even sent letters home to their owners for Christmas and to inform them of their dog’s performance throughout the war.