› added 1 year ago


TIL the first film about the Titanic starred an actor who survived the sinking. Dorothy Gibson was playing bridge when the ship hit the iceberg and she escaped on the first lifeboat. She later starred in "Saved from the Titanic", in which she wore the same clothes that she wore on the Titanic.

MeDyA TIL about the trials for Rocket Mail. Since 1810 inventors have tried to deliver mail via artillery, and later rockets. In 1959 the US navy fired a cruise missile filled with mail from a submarine to a Naval base in Florida. Despite enthousiasm by the Postmaster General it was a one time thing.
vLx4 TIL that in 1859, English settler Thomas Austin released only 24 rabbits onto his property in Australia, stating “The introduction of a few rabbits could do little harm and might provide a touch of home, in addition to a spot of hunting.” By the 1920’s the population reached 10 billion.
VBpRZ Today I learned the person that attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford in 1975 is not only still alive, but has been out of prison for 16 years.
Z0Ba TIL there is a bone fragment displayed on a museum of Chinon that was once reputed to belong to Joan of Arc. An 2008 study showed that the bone actually came from an Egyptian mummy
5YEOQ TIL That in the aftermath of Chicago's St. Valentine's Day Massacre, newspaper publisher Walter A. Strong asked his friend Herbert Hoover to put an end to Chicago's lawlessness, launching a multi-pronged attack on Al Capone, resulting in convictions for tax evasion, his imprisonment and death.