› added 12 years ago


TIL Singapore, China, India, Japan and Thailand plans to restore Nalanda University, one of the oldest ancient universities that was burnt down by Muslim invaders in 1193.

D1R4D TIL of the Sky Burial. Utilized in areas such Tibet and Mongolia, corpses are left on mountainsides to be eaten by carrion birds or otherwise decompose. Many who practice it view it as more practical than digging graves and as a way to give back to nature
Oo8m6 TIL humans are 99.9% genetically similar to other humans; 96% genetically similar to chimpanzees; 90% genetically similar to cats; 85% genetically similar to mice; 80% genetically similar to cows; 61% genetically similar to chickens; and 60% genetically similar to bananas.
Z8NG4 TIL A beluga whale named Hvalimir was found in a Norwegian harbor in 2019 with a camera harness attached leading to speculation of it being a Russian spy whale. Russia did not deny claims that it is a possible escapee from their Navy. It now resides peacefully in the harbor seeking human contact.
GAP51 TIL about Klaus Barbie, a Nazi war criminal hiding in Bolivia after the war, was tricked into revealing his true identity during a fake interview by being asked a question in French, a language he wasn't supposed to understand.
wMaJ TIL comedian Bill Burr decided to abandon his prepared comedy set in Philadelphia in order to heckle and berate the audience for his entire 12 minute set after they drunkenly booed several preceding comedians.